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I am a psychic/medium/channel that took a class with Mari last night! It was such a beautiful and empowering experience. Through the guided process, I could feel the energy in my body move, fluctuate, heal, and release! Emotions, doubts. I woke up this morning feeling freeer than a bird! I had been under a lot of spiritual warfare for months and months, unable to really shake the energy that kept coming in. Through Mari's guidance, I was able to finally feel relief from this energy that had been stalking me fully and completely. The healing energies were so amazing, and I have actually cried twice this morning because of the amazing relief that I now have! If you have been questioning, if you've been stuck, if you've been feeling like there's something on you that you can't shake... take the class. It's amazing. She's amazing, and I literally cannot wait for my next class! Mari, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I am so so happy that spirit sent me your way. I literally cannot thank you enough.

Janeva Cole

Hi Mari- I've taken a couple of your classes, but we've not officially met :).
I love your classes! They have each been wonderful ☀️ I especially appreciated the PTSD class. It helped me release so many layers of grief and trauma. Things I didn't realize I was still holding, things that didn't belong to me... It's been amazing. I was so calm on Easter. I woke up Thursday and didn't cry for the first time in two weeks (letting go has been a process!!). Thank you so much for offering this.


I listened to the Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot a couple of weeks ago. Immediately when it was over, I noticed my neck pain felt better. I had been suffering for a long time with constant pain in left side of my neck. Tried massage, chiropractic, stretching. Nothing helped. I thought this was interesting, so I decided to see how it felt after a few days. Well, I am happy and grateful to say it is gone! Prior to listening to this, I had called in my guardian angels and Archangel Raphael to heal the root cause of the pain. I believe this was the answer. Thank you, Mari and Angels!

Karol Quimby

I am not the same person I was a year ago, or even 2. You are a big part of that and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a great mentor and friend ♥️♥️♥️

Vanessa M

Mari’s healing has no limits. She spends the time with you so that she can understand your needs completely before she starts her healing. Mari is so easy to speak with. You come from a reading / healing with Mari feeling heard and with new clarity. Mari’s healing comes from a true belief in service to
others. She lives in gratitude with everything, everyone and every situation given to her to participate in. Mari has tremendous integrity and talent and I’m excited to see where the guides and codes take you next! Thank you so much for what you do. From healing deep trama to constipation, you healing work and codes have healed me in so many ways.


I met Mari at a class she did near me, there my mouth dropped at how gifted she was. Then I scheduled a session with her, and my mind was blown, she was able to help me, in such a profound way, that I knew her heart is fully emerged into what she does. She’s amazingly gifted, completely heart centered, very profound, if your looking into growing spiritually, having the guidance, support, and having an amazing friendship, look no further, I recommend her to anyone during their spiritual wakening, and to evolve on their spiritual path, I’m so incredibly grateful to have her in my life, and you will be to, by working with her.🙌🙌🙏🙏✨✨😍😍☀️☀️


Mari has literally changed my life! After meeting her about 3-4 years ago at the Port Gamble Ghost Conference, I discovered my abilities through her guidance and Mentoring. She is not only the real deal as a Psychic, she has the Phenomenal ability to Heal people in ways that are Amazing! She is Peace and Love, and I am honored to be her friend.💖🙏✨

Vicky Millwee

Mari is beyond amazing! I learn things I never realized I needed to know. I have added so much to my personal practice. She is also funny, compassionate, and humble. I am the type of person who makes plans and then regrets doing so but I always look forward to my classes with Mari.

Jen Brown

Every single time I work with Mari something new and special comes forth that is greatly helpful and profound. Mari embodies abilities and talents gathered and honed through many lifetimes, all wrapped up and delivered in a perfect, delightfully unique package of compassion, caring, humor and fun. She wants us all to thrive and be successful, hearts full of peace and love. Thank you for everything, Mari!

Jacki Marson

Mari is a true gem. Her insight and Galactic and Celestial codes are so amazing. She is so generous to share them with us. Even if you should fall asleep in one of her classes you are receiving exactly what you need at that time in the perfect amounts. Your body/mind and soul will heal and grow. She is such a beacon of light. I’m honored to teach The Art of Your Energy. We need more Mari’s in the world. Thank you for sharing your gifts. Rena

Rena Ellingwood

Mari, you showing up with the magick of coding in the way that you do, as well as teaching and learning while filtering through the heart with clear boundaries and discernment has greatly helped me integrate the upgrades, downloads, healings, and purging I am navigating and alchemizing as I step into my mastery. I stand with you in solidarity of all of us winning and being love as we move into New Earth. Your one of the most beautiful mirrors who I learn more and more about humanity and myself from. You have taught me more than perhaps you will ever know simply by standing in your own authentic power. Sometimes I feel the codes like a bolt of energy, sometimes like a source hug, sometimes they hit different energetic points in my body, sometimes I feel them sprinkle down through my crown, basically they come in differently to different energetic points. A source hug, a rush of energy , angel wings wrapped around me, a feather dusting, a gust of wind. You have also helped me find words to explain what I’m experiencing, which further helps me in my creative expression and love medicine of showing up as a quantum love alchemist. I see you. I appreciate you. I’m grateful for you. You say things in a way that help me inner-stand, understand, and over-stand. I join your lives and classes like a connect to my oversoul grip on the earth and in the cosmos. Everyone and everything is a matching picture, a matching issue, a similar prayer, something I’ve healed and can greatly assist in sending out and amplifying and anchoring codes and healing. As I’ve been shown things, many of us work in Quantum, and some of us consciously know. For the first time in my life my gifts are mine and I am no longer hiding. I’m willing to stand in my authenticity, in my fire, water, earth, air, and ether, knowing we are all one, that I belong here, and that everyone is right where they are supposed to be. You existing in this world has helped me feel supported, valued, worthy, strong, brave, beautiful and so much more for the very things I put in boxes and wrapped crime tape around before to soften and quiet and not be too much before. I am grateful for you. My soul honors your soul. Holding my grid Point. Also the codes help me integrate with more ease….

Esha Rose

Esha Rose, Quantum Love Alchemist

Mari is the real McCoy.

At the advice of a very good friend, I sought out help finding my spirit guides. The universe put me in Mari's orbit and the rest is history. No more than two minutes in to my reading, Mari nailed specific facts that blew my mind about places I have been. Throughout our first journey together, she managed to calm my mind in ways that I have never experienced in decades simply by helping me communicate with those who have been watching over me.

Doors opened, light switched turned on, however you want to view it, I now have a newfound perspective on what it means to be who I am and what my place in this cosmic jigsaw puzzle is. I know now both who to listen to (my guides) and that yes, I have a purpose to fulfill.

Most importantly, I have a sense of peace that I know will help me going forward. That is by far the most valuable takeaway from my time with Mari.

Thank you, Mari. We will be seeing you again.

Jeffrey Simpson

Mari Beckman is fabulous!!! She is an amazing psychic and healer who dedicates her life to sharing her gifts with the world in this difficult time. She recently helped me with a challenging group of issues and I could not be more grateful. She brought an impressive set of capabilities and loving presence to the process – as a result I have made major breakthroughs in both my physical and spiritual health. Don't hesitate. I highly recommend Mari to anyone who needs assistance.

Alanna Gunne

I met Mari, at a class she hosted, I was mind blown by her gifts, which pushed me to contact her for a reading.There’s only a few people I can say they have the ability to change the world, and she is one of them. I appreciate your gifts so much, as you have helped me in ways, you might not even know. I 100% recommend her, specially if you would like a true realization, of the need to change certain things of your life, towards reaching your true highest self. Thanks Mari 🙌🙌❤️❤️

Cristian Valle

I am so grateful my guides placed Mari in our path. My daughter has been suffering with depression & anxiety for years & when she finished her reading she was positively glowing about all the healing & insight she received & wanted me to get one too! After watching some "Metaphysical Meltdown" on her YouTube channel I was crushing on her as well! I got a healing session & my mind/body/spirit has been blissfully vibrating ever since, my husband will be next! THANK YOU MARI for sharing your love, light, laughter & healing at this momentous time of ascension for Mother Earth!! 🥰 🙏 💜


Working with Mari was so opening! I especially loved how kind she was in her practice, and how she helped me to find a better space for myself. I am so ecstatic that she was brought into my life so that I can open myself, learn, and be better! If you have any thoughts that you need help or there is something you need, Mari is an excellent choice to help you in your journey!

Tessa Newby

Mari works only with pure and loving intention. She has taught me how to tap into my own power from within, and to choose thoughts and guidance from the most loving beings. I have been working with Mari for 15 years, and she has been a true healer and friend through life’s triumphs and heart breaks. She is the real deal. I trust her guidance immensely.


It was such a pleasure to connect with Mari and to have her help me tonight. She beautifully went to work to find the reasons behind the dark energies that so strongly affected me recently, and one-by-one she removed and released them. She is a talented healer who I will return to, and refer. :)


I will never forget the moment that Mari squashed my doubt in spiritual readings. Before ever meeting me, she was willing to talk to me over the phone and help me. I remember sitting on my couch alone in my living room with Mari on the other line and in the middle of a reading, she told me she could see my arms above my head and that I needed to put them down by my side palms facing upward. My jaw dropped to the floor as I had just did a semi stretch and placed my arms on my head. I knew from that moment she must be able to really "see".

She has always been so positive, loving, kind, giving and compassionate. She focuses on helping others get through difficult times and find direction again in their path. She has even helped me connect with a loved one who passed, and helped them move on crossing over when they weren't ready. I am forever grateful for how she has helped me find myself, stabilize and ground my energy and in turn be able to help others. Mari's experience, specialty and talents will forever change your life like you never expected ❤

Steph Bruhahn

Mari Beckman is the best! Today she took time to lead me through and energy raising procedure which was extremely successful as usual. Thank you Mari! Blessings to you and yours. ❤️

Linda K. Herbert

Mari Beckman is the BEST!!! I’ve worked with her for over a year and a half. Not only is she an incredible medium and healer, but she’s become my dear friends and #1 go to healer. Oh, and I think it’s important to mention that I’m also a healer and Reiki teacher, but healers need healing too. I always tell her that she’s my spiritual translator. And she’s taught me a lot too! She has a heart of gold and she’s as humble as they come. You’ll LOVE working with her! Thank you God for the gift of Mari Beckman’s presence in the universe! 🙏🏻✨💕

Kelli Herbert

I have known Mari for a couple of years and have been impressed by her professionalism and her heart-felt commitment in assisting others. She is well respected among fellow healers/readers and her clients. I have sent people to her as I fully trust in her work and her connection to Spirit. I have also benefited from readings and healing with her. She gets to the heart of the matter quickly and assists her clients with getting past the blocks that are holding them back. She helps her clients align with their true self and find their own inner light that is often hidden. She is a beautiful being doing great work on this planet. You will receive so much from having a session with her.


Wow! Just wow of you want an incredible Healer call Mari. She also does mediumship connecting loved ones. I will be calling again soon!


I met Mari at a free healing event where she was generously donating her time to the community doing readings and healings. I was instantly drawn to her, when you meet her you will know why, she is the truest fit of the term Earth Angel I have ever come across. I am a professional psychic myself and have not only been a personal student of psychic work my entire life, but have also met thousands of psychics in my travels. Of all I have met, Mari stands alone in her natural gift of communicating and working directly with Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, and many many other Holy Ones whose mission it is to serve and heal. Aside from her healing ability, one of my favorite things about Mari is that she is what I like to call “down with the people.” Her love of humanity radiates from every fiber of her being and her sense of humor is stellar. I have had many personal readings/healings with Mari and have had her work with my mother and 3 children as well (ages 8, 14, 17). Yes, even professional psychics have a community of support, and I am extremely grateful to have Mari at the top of my trusted list. I have known Mari now for a little over a year. She has become a dear friend and mentor, and is a continuous source of inspiration in this field. Mari has a brilliant gift, she is truly a healer of healers, a supernova here on planet Earth. I highly recommend her, especially to those on a self-healing journey, sessions with Mari are truly life changing.


© 2024 by Mari Beckman

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